Beauty and the Beast Inspired Halloween Costume
This year for Halloween, I pulled together this costume for my family: Belle, the Prince, and the Enchanted Rose.
Earlier this year, Jeremy and I went to see the new Beauty and the Beast movie in full cosplay. I made my own version of Belle's blue dress. We ordered Jeremy a blazer from Hot Topic's Beauty and the Beast collection. Since we already had these costume pieces, we decided to use them again for Halloween. Our only problem was figuring out what Annabella could dress as. I was eyeing the Chip teacup costume at Target, but Jeremy wasn't too sure about it. I finally looked on Pinterest and saw a few ideas. I saw a couple different girls dressed as the Enchanted Rose, so I decided that it would be the perfect costume for Annabella.
For Annabella's costume, I made her a plain green shirt out of a large kid's t-shirt. I searched several stores for a plain green shirt in her size before I finally decided to just make one myself. I made her skirt using tulle strips and a ribbon, and I made her flower hairpiece out of felt.
This costume was so fun to put together and show off. I can't wait to bring this costume to Comic Con next year!
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